I just love what God thinks of me.
He is enthralled by my beauty!
Because of this I can trust that no matter where He leads or calls me to do He sees me as beautiful.
By His favor I am a wife and a mother.
Through His Spirit I am given strength to raise my family up in His ways.
From persevering in endless prayer, endless virtues defined,
to laboring in dirty dishwater and through long carpool lines.
This is beautiful to Him.
Through His Son, Jesus, I am able to practice and teach forgiveness because I have been forgiven much.
This is beautiful to Him.
Through His Word I am able to learn what it is to
build my home on wisdom,
to be strengthened by heaven's hope to endure in love,
and to be stilled by His Divine peace resting assured that
I am deeply loved.
And this is beautiful to Him.
"The king is enthralled by your beauty;
honor him for he is your lord."
Psalm 45:11